
Visual First Amendment is supported by the School of Information at Pratt Institute.

Principal Investigators

Dr. Debbie Rabina, Associate Professor
Dr. Rabina’s areas of research and teaching include government information, official information and information policy and law. She has recently served as a member of the Depository Library Council (DLC), an advisory board to the Public Printer of the United States. The DLC is charged with advising the Public Printer on matters related to the Federal Depository Library program.
Dr. Chris Alen Sula, Assistant Professor
Dr. Sula’s research focuses on data/information visualization, critical theory, networks, and the field of philosophy. He also writes about digital humanities and cultural heritage institutions (libraries, archives, and museums) and participates in public-academic work.

Graduate Assistants

Elizabeth Beller
Sarah Davis
Will Dean
Ian Kalish
Lisa Peet
Rachel Smiley
Karen Spitzer

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